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Moneta argento USA # 145

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Forse questa è un po meno comune ...






Diametro 24,0 mm
Peso 5,94 gr






Specialmente in questa conservazione, comunque autentica con quasi 12.000.000 circa di coniazioni.

  • Mi piace 1


1927. Lindbergh ha volato attraverso l'Atlantico, New York a Parigi, da solo. Ma si può scommettere questo 1927 quarter-dollar non era con lui sul suo famoso volo—era un fanatico sul salvataggio di peso e portato niente lui non ha assolutamente bisogno!


I quarters di Liberty in Piedi del 1925-30 avevano date "ad incasso", come si vede chiaramente con la tua moneta. Se fosse stato un quarter di questo tipo datato 1917-24, la data sarebbe sono stata indossata via molto tempo, molto tempo fa.


Adoro queste vecchie cose. Li ho visti in circolazione quando ero un ragazzo, ma mai uno con una data.


:) v.




1927. Lindbergh flew across the Atlantic, New York to Paris, alone. But you can bet this 1927 quarter-dollar wasn’t with him on his famous flight—he was a fanatic about saving weight and carried nothing he didn’t absolutely need!


The Standing Liberty quarters of 1925-30 had “recessed” dates, as we can plainly see with your coin. If it had been a quarter of this type dated 1917-24, the date would have been worn away long, long ago.


I love these old things. I saw them circulating when I was a boy, but never one with a date.


:) v.


But you can bet this 1927 quarter-dollar wasn’t with him on his famous flight—he was a fanatic about saving weight and carried nothing he didn’t absolutely need!

I don't think ... just arrived he have needed a coffee ...

If he have not brought that ... maybe this





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