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Bolla Bizantina?

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Inviato (modificato)

Buonasera, mi piacerebbe saperne di più su questa che io presumo essere una bolla bizantina, grazie a chiunque ne sappia qualcosa

Peso: 14,85gr

Diametro: 28mm

Materiale:  maggioranza piombo

Al D/Vergine di fronte in trono con il Bambino a destra OX HO

Al R/In cinque righe riesco a leggere RACIA - ACMAOAE - EMITU - SXARTO - AAPIW




Modificato da Zenzero


Nella mia ignoranza so che è certamente una bolla bizantina di xii o xiii secolo, mi pare che il sito Dumbarton oaks ne mostri diverse online... Forse anche acsearch


Ho trovato questa simile, ma non è lei, non sò se può essere una base di partenza.



Che ne pensi @Poemenius












Auction 18 382 (« | ») 05.05.2019 360 CHF 800 CHF


Byzantine Coins
Gilialmos (Guillaume), Patrikios and Strategos, 2nd half of the 11th century. Seal (Lead, 24 mm, 12.71 g, 12 h). ΜΑΡ - ΘV The Theotokos, nimbate, seated facing on a high-backed throne, holding a medallion bearing the bust of the infant Jesus on her lap. Rev. +ΘKE RO / HΘ TO CO OI / KETH ΓHΛH / AΛMO ΠPI / S CTPATH / Γω in six lines. Istanbul 2.238 (same dies?, but partially damaged). Nicely centered, clear and well-preserved. Very rare in the name of a Byzantine official of western-European origin. Nearly extremely fine.
This seal is one of a relatively small number of Byzantine seals that are in the name of an official of western European origin; in this case (William), perhaps, an English- or Norseman. Since, aside from the title strategos, there is nothing overtly 'military' about this seal, - we do not have a military saint like Demetrios or George, and there are no weapons used as ornaments above or below the inscription - we cannot assume that the owner of this seal was, as the name might suggest, a member of the Varangian Guard; but it is, nevertheless, a tempting thought. In any case, the important civil and military/civil titles Gilialmos has (patrician and strategos = general or civil commander) ought to indicate that, as a Westerner, he must have been both highly talented and fully trusted.


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