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Teme di serie divisionali di Giovanni Paolo II in Lire

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Hi there Nano,

I'll try to help you in your request.

If I understood well, you need to know the coins themes for each year of GPII's Papacy.

I hope that the following data will be helpful. I took them from Di Virgilio's book "Le monete e medaglie annuali di Giovanni Paolo II (GPII's coins and annual medals).

I and II years - Peace and cardinal virtues

III year - Works of corporal mercy - Encyclical "Dives Misericordiae"

IV year - Apostolic exhortation "Familiaris Consortio"

V year - Various subjects from the Genesis - Encyclical "Laborem exercens"

VI year - Peace

VII year - Pope travels around the world

VIII year - Instructions about Christian Freedom and Liberation

IX year - Marian Year

X year - Encyclical "Sollicitudo Rei Socialis"

XI year - Apostolic exhortation "Christifideles Laici"

XII year - Christianity and new Europe

XIII year - Encyclical "Redemptoris Missio"

XIV year - Environment and development in Christian vision

XV year - The Catechism of Catholic Church

XVI year - Christianity and Solidarity

XVII year - Encyclical "Evangelium vitae"

XVIII year - Let's give a future of peace to our children

XIX year - Give peace, receive forgiveness

XX year - From the justice of each comes peace for all

XXI year - Respect for human rights: the secret of true peace

XXII year - Memory and history: the great Jubilee

XXIII year - The coin "LIRA" through Popes' coins

XXIV, XXV and XXVI years - Coinage in Euro

That's all. I hope you can enjoy it.

Inviato (modificato)

Hello camerlengo

This is all I wanted to know - thank you very much.

And if anyone needs help from Germany - just go to this forum, where I am active

Molto grazie


Modificato da nano


You're always welcome.

I love Germany beerchug.gif , but I'm not able to understand a word of Deutch language...unknw.gif

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