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Un quadro? Una moneta? Un dipinto? Un oggetto?

A picture? A coin? A painting? An object?


La corona di Spagna è surmontata da una croce : quella mostrata sembra avere un elemento circolare (globo? mezzaluna?).

Forse, ingrandendo l'immagine, si riuscirebbe a vederla meglio....


A me sembra capovolta.......vedo una croce sotto. E si dovresti mettere una foto più grande e dell'insieme.

It seems to me ....... I see a cross upside down. And you should put a bigger picture and the whole.


i think is a crown over the rests of the support for anchor ( now deleted ), not a cross. The crown is in bad conditions.



I repeat : on the spanish crown there is a cross.

In the photo, on the crown, there is something I can't identify because of its bad conditions.

Is it possible to see a biggest photo ?

Inviato (modificato)

the cross was often over all royal crowns,except french, here may be it was deleated through the years.

may be spanish or dutch crown.

further down in not a cross but anchor or other.

however, this is a naval XVIII ° cent. cannon


Modificato da Guillamat

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