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agoraffa seller on ebay

Risposte migliori


hello, thanks for your answers.

a collegue of me bought a french medal from him, he paid the amount an the medal was never delivered.

the account of the seller on this website is cancelled now.〈=de&buyerNick=Heisser&mode=bought&dateStart=2013-06-10&dateEnd=2013-09-11

the seller does not answer any mails.

so you can imagine, it is very hard for s.o. from german-speaking countries, to get any information.

so i will help him a bit.

i know, that i am new in your forum. i am often reading here to get some information and to learn some italian.

normally, this is our forum

sorry, i also did not introduce myself until now.

my name is thomas, i am from vienna/austria and my collection is about "falsas de epoca en platino".

greets from vienna

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