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Inviato (modificato)

Dear all,

sorry to speak in english. I speak only french and english.

I bought yesterday on auction one Segesta didrachm. But i start to be suspicious, because i can not find any reference for this coin in all databases.

What is strange with this coin is that the nymph head is with hooked nose !


What do you think about this coin ? 

Thanks for any help !



Modificato da planetetour


A very strange didrachm!

When i will return to home, I will control on the Hurter corpus on Segesta didrachmai.

If possible, you can photograph also the border in profile....


I do not have the coin, still need to be sure before to pay the invoice. I do not have the Hurter corpus, but will be helpfull. Thanks much !


From ACSEARCH , Gorny&Mosch auction 130 ,  08/03/2004 , lot 1061. 480-430 BC .

Coin of g. 8,18 , listed as ANS 634






i agree, but nose of nymph is much different and not hooked on the  Gorny&Mosch. This is what is surprising and unknown for me on a Segesta coin.

Inviato (modificato)

sembrerebbero essere tracce di riconiatura (overstruck) o doppia battitura (doublestruck)



Modificato da skubydu

Inviato (modificato)

It is possibly an authentic didrachm !

The reference to Hurter corpus is: no. 66 (V21/R40), known with only one specimen, in Egger auktion 37/1909, 186 g. 8,30.

I enclose the image scanned from Hurter:

SEGESTA - Hurter 66 - Egger 37_1909_186 8,30.jpg

The obverse die, V21, with the symbol murex, is combined with at least 5 reverse dies (R37-R41).  Only the die R40 resulted to be soon cracked before the nymph profile. Your new specimen appears to be produced using the R40 die at a more advanced stage, involving all the nymph profile and preparing to be substituted by new R41 die. The subsequent die combination V21/R41 is present for example in Triton 7/2004, 77  g. 8,29 (ex coll. Moretti).


Modificato da acraf
  • Mi piace 3

Inviato (modificato)

I just ordered  the Hurter corpus, this should me help next time :beerchug:

Modificato da planetetour


Acraf, you're a master... Thanks much for your time, you did a great job !!!

  • Mi piace 1

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