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Hello guys!Unfortunately i don't speak italian but i'm still hoping to get some opinions from you.I would like to know how rare actually is this coin and how much you think it's worth in this grade!Thank you!





3 ore fa, paultss dice:

Hello guys!Unfortunately i don't speak italian but i'm still hoping to get some opinions from you.I would like to know how rare actually is this coin and how much you think it's worth in this grade!Thank you!






The coin is a PIASTRA  of Clemente XI for Ferrara Muntoni 227 is RR conservation MB with sign of sticky detached in this auction in conservation has a base of € 3500. It should be true to check the weight that must be about 29.81 GR. regards


2 ore fa, paultss dice:

The coin weights 29.45 gr and is silver!


ok the weight is regular

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