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Ciao, vi giro una mail che mi è appena arrivata

Dear VCoins/VAuctions member,

Our hobby is being threatened by a proposed agreement before the Cultural Property Advisory Committee (CPAC) of the U.S. Department of State that will impose import restrictions on coins from Cyprus. I am personally appealing to you for help in opposing this blatant attack on collectors.

Please use our Fax Wizard at to send your comments -- quickly, easily, and totally free. You'll find a description of the issue, talking points, and sample letters to help guide you. It will take just a few minutes, not more.

This process is open to citizens of all countries, not just the US. The anti-collector activists are trying to eliminate legitimate collecting worldwide, and we must make our voices heard. The deadline for comments to CPAC is Monday, February 5th, 5 PM EST, so please do it now.

Kind regards,

Bill Puetz




L'iniziativa sarà mi sa tanto di fregatura per accaparrarsi i nostri dati: addirittura l'indirizzo postale! a che gli serve se spedisci un fax? non basta l'email?

voi che ne dite?


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