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The weight is too low. But the diameter is possible. I think it is a coined lilied on behalf of Robert d'Anjou. Consider that this money was much imitated by other states and falsified. I believe your coin is a fake, probably at the time, which is possible because bung.

The weight is too low. But the diameter is possible. I think it is a coined lilied on behalf of Robert d'Anjou. Consider that this money was much imitated by other states and falsified. I believe your coin is a fake, probably at the time, which is possible because bung.

Hi, effectively the weight is very low. I am not sure if is possible reading KAROL SCD or variety or ROBERTUS or variety, because of its preservation state and pictures. The figure of seated king is not primitive for these typologies. It seems a regular emission looking at the style but considering the weigth we could have doubts.

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