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Buongiorno a tutti. Vorrei sapere se avete avuto anche voi sentore di problemi nella distribuzione della nuova moneta da 2 euro commemorativa olandese.Avevo acquistato 10 monete in prenotazione da un commerciante olandese, registrato presso la Zecca olandese, ma mi e' arrivata una sua comunicazione con la quale mi informa di non aver ricevuto nemmeno una delle monete da lui acquistate!!

Il testo della lettera e' il seguente:

"There are problems with the Dutch 2€ CC Erasmus 2011 you have ordered at me.

I am an official registrated Dutch coinseller. On the januari 7th i got a mail from the KNM(Dutch Mint) that I could reserve the new coin. Mintage 4.000.000 coins.

First there was an embargo on that information, but on Tuesday 11th they send me an email that the embargo was raised.

From that time i started to sell the coins to you.

I always tried to help everybody selling the coins for a reasonable price.

I had to send my reservation before Januari 20th to the KNM. I send on Januari 19th my reservation to the KNM.

In the period of Januari 11th and 25th I had several contacts with the KNM by phone.

In none of these calls they gave me the impression that there would be a problem with my reservation.

On wednesday, Januari 26th I got the mail below from the KNM, I GET NOTHING, NOT EVEN 1 COIN.

From that moment I am trying to get some answers from the KNM, but till now no result.

I also tried to get the coins from the wholesalers that the KNM mentioned in their mail.

But also they can´t help me with coins.

Today I heard the following information:

Mintage 4.000.000 coins, so no problems everybody thinks.

What does the KNM do with these 4.000.000 coins.

500.000 coins for the coinsellers.

3.500.000 coin mixed with other used coins in circulation-rolls.

What I heard is that there were 1.000.000 coins reserved by the coinsellers, so twice as much as they reserved for the sellers.

Some Dutch coinseller get 60% of the ordered quantity.

I even heard that a Belgium coinseller gets 25% of the ordered quantity.ecc. ecc.

Cosa ne pensate? Anche nella civilissima terra dei tulipani ci sono alcuni dei vizietti tipici del nostro paese? Intendo accaparramenti di stock da parte di pochi privilegiati, mancanza di informazioni..

Con una tiratura di 4.000.000 circa di monete come possono esserci questi problemi?




Ciao Fabrizio, ne stiamo discutendo nella discussione sui 2€ 2011. Ti prego di continuare la.

Questa si chiude...

Mirko :)


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