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1 penny 1937 variante

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Buongiorno a tutti, tempo fa avevo postato un mio 1 penny 1937, da poco scopro che per il suddetto anno ci sono 3 varianti di conio, qualcuno più esperto di me mi aiuta a capire se la mia è una variante? A me sembra di avere rovescio B e dritto 1.

grazie a chiunque vorrà aiutarmi.

1937 obverse and reverse die varieties:
Obv 1 P of IMP at a tooth, I of IMP to the left of a tooth, : before IMP nearly at a tooth, dot after IMP is small;
Obv 2 P of IMP to the right of a tooth, I of IMP to the right of a tooth, : before IMP between teeth, dot after IMP is larger;
Rev A Right leg of 2nd N in PENNY at a tooth, sea level on right at a tooth, longer teeth;
Rev B Right leg of both Ns in PENNY between teeth, sea level on right slightly above a tooth, shorter teeth;
1940 reverse die varieties:
Rev B Single exergue line (11.6%)
Rev C Double exergue line (88.4%)
1944 reverse die varieties:
Note the differing positions of the last 4 in the date, relative to the wave above.
1946 reverse die varieties:
Although not a genuine variety by any definition, the 'dot' penny die flaw has crept into most reference books;
Not a published variety but straight and wavy exergue line varieties observed by Numista member ALLRED1950;

Images above are reproduced with kind permission of
Numista member Sjoelund and Declan Magee Coins

See also



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