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Inviato (modificato)


Questa moneta per me è un rompicapo. Anzitutto,in termini generali, sembra coniata piuttosto rozzamente, come se si trattasse di uno stato di necessità.

Su un lato si legge qualcosa,direi: ..EST / DUC (AL) oppure DEC / GEN  Al rovescio si vede e si capisce davvero poco, forse c'è una figura umana,ma molto degradata. Pesa 1,7 g.e misura 20,5 mm.

Ho pensato ovviamente a Genova,ma non ho trovato nulla di plausibile.


Modificato da gpittini


Sembrerebbe una moneta ossidionale ma non riesco a trovare niente di attinente...



Cartagena ;)

Sei stato semplicemente grandioso!!


Cartagena Cu 1/2 Real Collection, KM-D2. War-for-Independence provisional coinage 1/2 Real. Quintet covering all five confirmed items in the series. Most "professionally prepared" is a broad flan with certain "1812" and fine lettering ESTADO DE CARTA-GENA. Next two are a later issue of the 1812 plus one of 1813 on much smaller thicker cruder flans. The bottom of the final date digit is often either muddled or "cut off" the flan on these when located; one has a certain final digit "3" which is most concocted since it is almost certainly a very crudely modified "2". The other is traditionally catalogued as an 1812 even though we could trace none with absolutely certain final digit "2". Final two are examples, probably preceding the above dated ones, where there was no attempt to put a year (date) below the city's name. Both of these are clearly without ever having such a date (as opposed to the frequently seen super-crude or damaged ones where it cannot be certain what was once in place). One has the N retrograde, a variety listed and illustrated by Restrepo. Dana had apparently designated this quintet as his "study set" for studying other of his many of this important historical issue. Quality is clearly above par albeit crude as was the reality of the methodology used to produce these earliest Republican efforts. Fine or better. Dana Roberts Collection and Study Group.

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Inviato (modificato)


Scusa @@augustus1,ma la tua memoria numismatica ricorda quella di un hard-disk. Ci spieghi in estrema sintesi come fai?

Modificato da gpittini
  • Mi piace 1



Scusa @@augustus1,ma la tua memoria numismatica ricorda quella di un hard-disk. Ci spieghi in estrema sintesi come fai?

Confesso che era la prima volta che vedevo questa moneta... :D

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