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questo dovrebbe essere il rovescio di una moneta di claudio gotico con l altare.

pesa 0.9 grammi 14mm , molto piu` piccola di un antoniniano normale

pareri , ci sono altri esempi riferimenti

grazie e ciao

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post-8662-015228400 1285511511_thumb.jpg


Dati fisici e stile indicano che si tratta di una imitativa, questa è una discussione di qualche tempo fa: Antoniano bonsai


Dati fisici e stile indicano che si tratta di una imitativa, questa è una discussione di qualche tempo fa: Antoniano bonsai

perfetto mi sa che e` quella !



Se hai voglia di leggerti un brano del lavoro di Davies... te lo posto!

The Divo Claudio, Consecratio, coinage

This commemorative series of antoniniani, inscribed with the legends DIVO CLAVDIO (obverse) and CONSECRATIO (reverse) was issued immediately following the death of Claudius II. The two main reverse types were an altar and an eagle. R.I.C. V is still the standard reference for these coins but the range of engraving variations requires a more detailed arrangement, especially for the altar. The eagle variant tends to occur

less frequently than the altar. A third variant, the funeral pyre, is much less common. These coins were issued from all mints. Some carry mint marks and the engraving styles can also distinguish the products of particular mints.

A full study of the range of regular varieties is desirable before the irregular coins can confidently be separated. This would be an enormous task in itself and requires work beyond the scope of this thesis. However, these coins were one of the most regularly copied series and they do, as such, require some attention.

The altar reverse carries more variation than the eagle. The range of regular variants is described below and illustrated in figure 3:9.

Type A is an altar divided into four segments, with a fire on top.

A1 has a dot in each segment.

A2 has no dots.

A3 has a wide border.

A4 has the altar 'waisted'.

Type B is a square altar, with a handle, and a fire on top.

B1 has a dot above the handle.

B2 has no dot.


The eagle type is more difficult to sort into sub-types.

They are found with 'head right' and 'head left', although the latter are less common. The eagle may be crouched or vertical but, beyond this, further sub-division may prove more misleading than useful. It is not possible to cite precisely when these posthumous coins were struck. They have been generally assigned to the reigns of Quintillus and Aurelian but no terminal date has been agreed. The brevity of Quintillus' reign was such that

this series could have been initiated as late as Aurelian (Cope 1969) although this is not generally thought likely. Cope has in fact shown similarity between the metallic properties of this coinage and that of Quintillus (Cope 1969). Bland has postulated that the altar reverse may have been produced by Quintillus and the eagle by Aurelian (Bland 1982). This idea was born from the discovery of examples of pairing between the

obverse of Aurelian's first issue at Rome and the CONSECRATIO, eagle reverse. Just four examples of this type are known (Roger Bland, pers.comm.). However, we have, as yet, no known examples of Quintillus combined with an altar reverse.

It appears that regular CONSECRATIO issues should bear similarities in their metrology to the coinage of Quintillus and Aurelian's pre-reform antoniniani. In consequence, CONSECRATIO coins which vary from them to any appreciable extent are likely to be irregular.

Antoniniani of Quintillus vary widely in weight, falling below 2.0g and reaching above 4.0g, but their main range is between about 2.4g and 3.8g. These figures, and those cited below, have been obtained by personal inspection of collections in Reading Museum, the Ashmolean Museum and the British Museum. Aurelian's pre-reform antoniniani also range widely, between about 2,5g and 4.5g, but lie mainly within the range of 3.0g to

4.00, with a higher average weight than the coins of Quintillus. It would be expected that irregular coins would range around and below the minimum regular weight.

The regular antoniniani range from about 19 mm to about 23 mm in diameter. Pre-reform antoniniani of Aurelian range from about 19 mm to about 25 mm. Of course, vigorous circulation would affect the size. With regard to die-axis, these coinages stuck closely to an 0 or 180 alignment (Robertson 1978).

When a die-axis is otherwise, the coin is a candidate for closer inspection. The irregular DIV° CLAVDIO coinage was almost completely lacking is silver and normally contained high proportions of lead (Cope 1969). It is not possible to apply this sort of analysis when studying an ordinary site collection. The criteria of style, die-axis, size and quality of lettering have to be used and the acquisition of experience is the most important tool available. In conclusion, the following criteria can isolate irregular CONSECRATIO coins. When the die-axis strays from 0 or 180 degrees suspicion should be aroused. The general size and weight range of official coins has been outlined above and in figure 3:10. Variation from this would increase the likelihood that a coin is irregular. Gaps between letters and unusual engraving styles are a most reliable guide also. Problems can arise when the flan size drops to about 18 mm. Close examination shows that size alone is not a reliable criterion. Presence of surface silvering will often suggest that a coin is regular. Irregular examples do not generally carry silvering. Problems can be magnified when a site collection, as opposed to a hoard, is studied. Wear and corrosion reduce size, weight and surface relief. A trained eye is important in such cases.

Figure 13:10 shows the size and weight range recorded from regular examples recovered from the site of Silchester.

Very infrequently hybrids of this series are encountered. 'Lifetime' obverses of Claudius II may be combined with the eagle reverse or 'lifetime' reverses can be combined with the DIVO CLAVDIO obverse. Examples of the latter type have been recorded at Silchester (Boon 1954).

[citazione da: Barbarous radiates: a study of the irregular Roman coinage of the 270s and 280s AD from southern England. di John A.Davies]


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